
300. Scapegoating – How Organizations Assign Blame​

Maurizio Catino’s book explains how scapegoating occurs within organizations.

299. Vienna At Night - My Latest Short Film (YouTube)

I created this video yesterday for my YouTube channel.

298. “Our New World of Adult Bullies” (by Bill Eddy)

Bill Eddy explains how to deal with adult bullies in this book.

297. "I soon realized that judges are only human and not always neutral"

I chat with a woman who used to be a lawyer in Russia.

296. 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life (by Bill Eddy)

Bill Eddy describes the personality traits of people who can ruin your life in his book “5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life.

295. Underestimated and Overlooked: The Authority Gap

Many women face discrimination due to the authority gap that exists between men and women.

294. Femicides Are A Huge Problem Across The World

Femicide rates have been rising across many European countries.

293. Social Media: Lack of Authenticity in a Competitive World

In my opinion, social media has completely gotten out of control these past few years.

292. Shanghai Refuge: A Memoir of the World War II Jewish Ghetto

Ernest G. Heppner describes the stories of Jews such as him who fled from Germany to Shanghai during World War II in his autobiographical work.

291. Online Misogyny: Why Women Are Forced To Leave The Internet

Male hackers have attacked me in ways that make it nearly impossible to maintain a career.

290. Vienna (Train Journey) - My Latest Short Film (YouTube)

I recently made this video in Vienna.

289. Benign Bigotry: The Psychology of Subtle Prejudice (by Kristin J. Anderson)

When prejudice is subtle, it can be hard to fight.

288. People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts (by robert bolton, ph.d.)

Many relationships end because of a lack of or poor communication.

287. The Gaslight Effect: How to spot and survive the hidden manipulation others use to control your life (by Dr. Robin Stern)

Have you ever experienced being gaslit?

286. No, Constantly Talking About Sex Is Not Sexual Maturity

The sociopathic stalker has tried to repeatedly coerce me into talking about sex with him.

285. “I Would Like for you to buy a new menstrual cup”

The stalker I have written about is not willing to leave me alone and to respect my privacy.

284. When A Person Is So Sick He Takes Over Your Identity

A stalker has taken over my identity.

283. People are being targeted for having their own opinion

Austria has become more authoritarian than it used to be.

282. Introversion Is Not Silent Treatment

The stalker who won’t leave me alone is trying to shame me into being an extrovert.

281. When Direction Is Missing

South, North, East, West.

280. How to Tell if Someone Has Hacked into ChatGPT

Usually, when we use ChatGPT, we trust it to be a secure platform that cannot be easily compromised. However, I have found the opposite to be true.

279. Disrupting Alliances—"The Art of War" (Sunzi)

One of the methods Sunzi describes in his book “The Art of War” is disrupting alliances.

278. Why It Is Important to Write About AMWF Relationships That Didn’t Work Out

We tend to read a lot about AMWF relationships that worked out, but less about those that didn’t.

277. What I find attractive in a man

This is a short overview of behavior I find attractive in a man.

276. I Am In A relentless Cyber War

I have been attacked by various hackers who have tried to destroy my career.

275. "People and Phones (Vienna Edition)" by Ruth Silbermayr on YouTube

I created this short video yesterday in Vienna about people and phones.

274. Dating A Narcissist Is Like Dating A Dinosaur

Have you ever dated a narcissist?

273. Why Do highly Successful Men sabotage women's Careers?

Men have repeatedly sabotaged my career.

272. When Abusers Try to Force You to Use Non-Violent Communication but Use Violent Language and Behavior

The sociopathic stalker I have been writing about has been trying to force me to use non-violent communication.

271. The sociopathic stalker recently reported me to the police so he could keep abusing me

The sociopath I have been writing about keeps harassing me.

270. What is real happiness?

I created a short video in Chinese that explores this question.

269. "I had a lot of weapons at home"

I chat with Ben, an Austrian my age.

268. Stalking Is Very Common In Relationships

I have observed that stalking is more common in most relationships than people would think.

267. "i used to be able to walk around freely after dark, but it has become too dangerous to do so"

I chat with Natalia, a woman from Moldova who has been living in Austria for more than a decade.

266. Divorce in Ukraine: "During the War, the Numbers Went up 80%"​

I recently met a woman called Anna who is from a small town near Kyiv in Ukraine. We have a little chat.

265. the 9 most common reasons for divorce in china

The reasons why couples divorce can differ from country to country.

264. i recently took part in a research study

I recently attended a class and participated in a research study.

263. When Your X-Account Isn't Safe: My Experience with hacking​

A hacker keeps altering the settings of my X-account.

262. “One Day, I Found My Former Wife in Bed With Another Man”

I chat with Ben, an Austrian man my age.

261. "I Had Never Experienced the Russia-Ukraine War Until We Were Attacked"

I recently met a woman called Anna who is from a small town near Kyiv in Ukraine. We have a little chat.

260. Micromanagement Limits Your Independence (And So Do Certain Men)

Another boundary violation = another post.

259. the four sleep chronotypes by michael breus (dolphin, bear, lion and wolf)

The four sleep chronotypes have been discovered by Dr. Michael Breus.

258. when a stalker is living his life with you in it

No woman should ever have to deal with a mentally ill stalker who tries to make her his therapist or caregiver.

257. some dating apps will not allow you to take pictures of conversations

Many dating apps block the option to take a screenshot of a conversation.

256. A Sociopath Has Stalked And Slut-Shamed Me For Years

I have signed up to a dating app to find out if a sociopath who has stalked me for years still appears on any dating app I sign up to.

255. Cyber Bullying: When Women Are Being Targeted by Hackers

All of the cyber bullying I have experienced came from men.

254. not everything can be generalized, so please don't

The stalker who has made my life a living hell for more than 3 years in a row is generalizing things that can’t be generalized.

253. i am saying no to allowing another person to rape my soul

The sociopathic stalker is still trying to force me into being in a non-consensual relationship with him.

252. I Did Not Get a Hearing in the Child Custody Trial (Amwf Divorce)

My appeal in the child custody trial has been declined, where I sought to regain access to my Austrian-Chinese children who are living in China at an unknown address.

251. Child Abuse: When A Chinese Parent Abuses His Children

I thought that my children would be well taken care of but have found that they were not.