
China Elevator Stories

No, Constantly Talking About Sex Is Not Sexual Maturity

The sociopathic stalker has tried to repeatedly coerce me into talking about sex with him.


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Ruth Silbermayr


The sociopathic stalker I have written about in the past has really increased his efforts to get close to me—not in a normal, healthy way, but by trying to infiltrate my life and make everything about him.

Whenever I show up somewhere online, he appears to harass and stalk me. He usually shows up anonymously to stay hidden and avoid being discovered.

He is extremely schizophrenic and has repeatedly tried to force me into talking about sex with him.

I don’t share his view that women need to act like porn stars or show affection to a man who harasses, stalks, abuses, and bullies them. His behavior shows that even though he stalks me constantly and repeatedly claims he knows me well, he doesn’t know me at all.

Here’s an example of a conversation that falls under sexual harassment:

No, Constantly Talking About Sex Is Not Sexual Maturity

Him: “I love to do it doggy-style, I like blowjobs, riding, and I love it when she can squirt. How about you?”

Me: “That’s private.”

Him: “??”

Him: “So?

Me: “Well, whatever squirting means.

Him: “When the woman has such an intense orgasm that she’ll squirt.

Me: “I don’t know if this is how my biology is supposed to work.”

Him: “Ok, but if you had sex (with me), would you like to do it doggy-style?”

I have told him repeatedly that I wish for no communication with him—especially none about sex—and that my private life is none of his business.

Once I realize it’s him, I usually press “block and delete”.

Men like him seem to think they are sexually mature when they talk to women as though they were porn stars, waiting to be “f***ed by any ugly man that crosses her path”. (Apologies for my choice of language).

This kind of behavior is not healthy sexual conduct, but sexually abusive. It constitutes a violation of a woman’s sexual boundaries and shows a lack of respect for her privacy.

He gets the “me” and the “you” confused a lot. He tries to make me believe that I want to have sex with him, that I am the one who is attracted to him (I have to say that I am disgusted by him, not attracted to him, as would any woman in my place be). I have told him (for years) that I don’t want any contact, and that putting his threats into practice would be akin to rape.

I have also tried to get him to stop stalking me for over 4 years now.

TALKING SEXUALLY WITH WOMEN as though they were an object whose only purpose is to wait for a man to cross her path and “f*** her” is not sexual maturity. (Again, please excuse my language. I believe this choice of words reflects how men like him think; in this particular case, the man I am writing about is an incel).

From years of being stalked and harassed by him, I’ve come to realize that he has extreme voyeuristic tendencies towards me. I once asked Dr. Raphael Bonelli, an Austrian psychiatrist, about his behavior, who also described him as a voyeur.

I believe no healthy woman would want to be with a man like that or be forced into repeated contact with him.

Have you ever dealt with a mentally unstable stalker?

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