
China Elevator Stories

“We Used to Have Normal Divorce Rates, but Then During the War, the Numbers Went up 80%”

I recently met a woman called Anna who is from a small town near Kyiv in Ukraine. We have a little chat.


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Ruth Silbermayr


Anna, who is a lawyer, tells me about her job in Ukraine: “I used to oversee family law cases and helped my clients get a divorce. After the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine War, divorce rates went up a notch. We used to have normal divorce rates, but then during the war, the numbers went up 80%.”

“We Used to Have Normal Divorce Rates, but Then During the War, the Numbers Went up 80%”

I ask her: “What was the reason divorce rates increased?”

“One of the main factors was domestic violence. Occurrences of domestic violence increased quite a lot during the war.”

“Do courts still work normally in Ukraine nowadays?”

“They do, but the courts have many more cases due to the war, and people have to wait a very long time to receive a verdict.”

Have you ever met a person from Ukraine?

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