China Elevator Stories
“We Don’t Really Have A Dialect”
Is it true that people from Northeast China don’t have a dialect?

Ruth Silbermayr

Many of my friends from Northeast China tell me: “We don’t really have a dialect, we speak a very intelligible Mandarin. Maybe there are some words that are different, but that’s about it.”
Ah, the beloved “er” that Northerners use in any way imaginable! Having studied Mandarin Chinese both in Austria and in Kunming, in southern China, I have to disagree when someone says that what Northeastern Chinese speak is intelligible Mandarin. I’ve had the hardest time understanding what they call dialect-free Mandarin Chinese. Well, maybe they’re right in saying that it’s not a dialect, but it surely isn’t accent-free Mandarin either.
I usually don’t have a problem understanding people speaking Mandarin in Shenzhen. Before studying in Kunming and getting used to different accents, I had difficulty understanding Cantonese speakers when they spoke Mandarin. After spending almost two years in southern China, I feel that I’ve made significant progress. On one occasion, a few people on a bus in Shenzhen were delighted that I could understand their Sichuanese. A Hunanese woman once told me, in her native dialect, that she didn’t speak Mandarin and that this was why she didn’t understand me (again, since I understood what she said, I didn’t realize it was a dialect until she pointed it out). But when Northeastern Chinese people start using their own words and add an “er” at the end of every second or third word, I often don’t understand what they are saying!
“Excuse me, can you say that again? I don’t understand,” is what I’ll say. They repeat it, but I still don’t understand. So I ask them again, and when they repeat it, I still can’t catch it. That’s usually when we all give up, smile awkwardly, and shrug, at a loss for words.
My husband and my in-laws are from Northeast China. My husband speaks pretty intelligible Mandarin with me (and if he doesn’t, I ask him to repeat it more slowly). My in-laws, who have lived in Northeast China their whole lives, are a completely different story. It’s probably my turn now to learn the kind of Chinese that is spoken in Northeast China and get used to the “er”-endings.
Have you ever had similar problems?