
China Elevator Stories

Stop Talking to Me About That Portuguese Model

In my eyes, your behavior towards me is misogynistic and lacks respect.


Ruth Silbermayr China Elevator Stories profile picture
Ruth Silbermayr


Well, funny that you went on a holiday, can’t remember how long that holiday was and in which year it was, can’t remember how you met that model, in which kind of relationship you were with her, how often you had sex, can’t remember the date you met her for the first time, the method you used to initiate contact with her, …

When I asked you about it, you told me different information about the situation:

That you didn’t cheat on me with her, then you told me that you did cheat on me with her. You then also said that she was your girlfriend, and I believe that’s certainly possible. Having had an ex-husband who had cheated on me, and having had to learn how to “read signs” when it comes to cheating, it certainly looks to me like you cheated on me with her.

You’re now parading this all over social media, congrats, that makes you so much better, having been with such a beautiful woman, and cheating on me with her, doesn’t it? 

It gives you all the reassurance of how important and significant you seemingly are, and of how unimportant and insignificant I am in comparison (when a narcissist does so, it’s called “devaluation”), and you have now been using this to shame me, blame me, bully me, and harass me.

Well, guess what, your cheating says nothing about me, but it says a lot about you.

You are still behaving as though we are still in a relationship without putting in any effort to make it a relationship or to show me that you do indeed care about me or ever cared about me at all. Well, let me tell you: No, we are not together.

It’s as easy as this: Once you cheat, we are separated! Well, guess what, we’re separated! Now go away, goodbye forever, leave me alone, let me live my own life!

I am not dumb and I don’t want to be treated like a dumb person simply because I am a woman!

I am not interested in you or whatever it is you are saying or doing, you are not as great as you make yourself out to be when you talk to me (which is non-consensual because all you do all day long is talk about insignificant matters and verbally abuse and harass me; oh, and if anyone wondered, this person talks about himself, and only himself, all day long), and, mind if I tell you, you have a completely blown-up ego!

If you wonder what a blown-up ego is, it’s this:

A “blown-up ego” refers to someone who has an inflated sense of self-importance or self-worth. It describes a person who may overestimate their abilities, achievements, or attractiveness, often leading them to behave in an arrogant or conceited manner.

Has a man ever insulted you by constantly talking about other women and telling you how worthless you are in comparison to them?

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