
China Elevator Stories

Real Intelligence Is Not a Number

People tend to think that intelligence equals IQ, but there’s much more to being intelligent than just scoring high on an IQ test.


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Ruth Silbermayr


Real Intelligence Is Not Just a Number

A lot of people think intelligence equals IQ. If you’ve ever taken an IQ test, you’ll realize it only focuses on certain areas of intelligence, not others. You’ll be asked to complete tasks that measure your cognitive abilities, but I feel it places too much emphasis on the left side of the brain.

 I have also noticed that some people with high IQs are unable to apply their intelligence in daily life. They may occasionally solve complex problems, but most of the time, they don’t demonstrate real intelligence in practical situations.

Cognitive thinking is only one kind of intelligence. One type of intelligence I highly value is intuitive intelligence. A person with a high IQ but no intuitive intelligence may not be truly intelligent in a meaningful way. Intuitive intelligence is deeply connected to our instincts and our ability to live in harmony with nature. It’s not just about what we “know in our brains” but what we feel in our bodies. Those with strong intuitive intelligence can sense what is good for them, often without conscious reasoning. 

Many mothers, for instance, exhibit intuitive intelligence when caring for their babies—instinctively knowing when their child needs to be fed or comforted. Likewise, someone with strong intuitive intelligence understands their body’s needs and naturally gravitates toward healthy choices rather than harmful ones. In contrast, a person lacking this intelligence may ignore their body’s signals and fail to live in alignment with nature.

Another crucial type of intelligence is emotional intelligence—the ability to understand, regulate, and respond appropriately to emotions, both one’s own and those of others. People with high emotional intelligence can easily recognize emotions, empathize with others, and navigate social interactions effectively. In contrast, those with low emotional intelligence may struggle to interpret emotions and may even be emotionally blind, failing to recognize or respond to others’ feelings.

Real Intelligence Is Not Just a Number

Interestingly, intelligence can manifest in unexpected ways. For example, a highly manipulative person may have a strong ability to deceive others, which could be considered a form of intelligence. Some individuals possess an innate talent for manipulation, using their cognitive abilities to control situations to their advantage. However, this does not necessarily mean they are intelligent in other aspects of life. I have encountered manipulative individuals who excel at deception but struggle with basic life skills and common sense.

This contrast can be misleading: a person who appears foolish or incapable in many areas of life may actually be highly skilled in manipulation. Their lack of intelligence in general matters might lead others to underestimate them, making their manipulative abilities even more effective. This is a cognitive pitfall—assuming that someone who seems unintelligent in many areas of life is incapable of being a highly skilled manipulator. A manipulative person may have a high IQ in the area of deception but lack intelligence in other areas.

I am more of an intuitive person than one who is a cognitive thinker, and I believe that a combination of different kinds of intelligence is what usually makes a person an intelligent person. The application of intelligence in real life is what really matters, not scoring a high number in an IQ test (which is only theoretical intelligence, not intelligence in practice). If you only possess one kind of intelligence but lack the other two, you may lack certain life skills and may not be able to act intelligently when in social situations or in a relationship.

 What kind of intelligence do you possess?

On a side note:

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