
China Elevator Stories

When A Person Is So Sick He Takes Over Your Identity

A stalker has taken over my identity.


Ruth Silbermayr China Elevator Stories profile picture
Ruth Silbermayr


Soon after getting to know about me, the sociopathic stalker I have been writing about on my blog would be in all my personal data, in my computer, and in my phone. My interests, slowly, all became his interests.
He creeped into every aspect of my life, until I had no more life.
When I was watching a channel on YouTube, he’d start watching the same channel. When I was doing research on personality types, he’d claim this interest for himself. When I was sending someone an email, he would get in contact with this person as well. When I was doing healing, he’d pretend he was doing the same healing method and wanted to try and force me into doing each healing I did with him.
When I was typing a letter for a family member on my computer, he’d be in there through spyware, read it, and then appear somewhere online to tell me I was not allowed to have communication with this person.
A little later, everything that was once mine, had become “his”. Soon, I felt that creepy feeling any time he got in contact with me, that he thought he was me.

Have you ever met a person who didn’t have their own individual personality?

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