
China Elevator Stories

“One Day, I Found My Former Wife in Bed With Another Man”

I chat with Ben, an Austrian man my age.


Ruth Silbermayr China Elevator Stories profile picture
Ruth Silbermayr


He tells me: “One day, I found my former wife in bed with another man. I started punching the man until he fainted, and he ended up lying on the floor. After that, I tried to throw my wife out of the window. Somehow, she managed to call the police. I’ve lost access to my children since then. I hope they know I’m not a bad person. I’ve been to prison four times in my life.”

“One Day, I Found My Former Wife in Bed With Another Man”

“What is prison like?”

“It’s not all that bad. The prison I was in was pretty normal; we all had a TV in our room. One time, I went to prison because I had taken drugs. Another time, it wasn’t my fault that I went to prison.”

Have you ever heard a story like this?

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