
17. Appreciating China’s Invisible Army Of "Ayi's"

Female strangers in China help me look out for my children.

16. Age in East Asia: Why My Son is Both Two and Four Years Old in China

A Chinese granny asks my son about his age.

15. Does Keeping Baby Safe the Chinese Way Work with Two Children?

My Chinese mother-in-law is looking after my children while I’m at work.

14. I Taught My Son to Love Wearing an Anti-Pollution Mask

To my surprise, my son, who can be very strong-willed, complies putting on a face mask.

13. How much culture is in food?

My friend and I buy freshly sliced melons at one vendor, and chicken feet at another in China.

12. “A Chinese Child Should Have a Chinese Mother” – Raising Mixed Children in China

A girl in Siping tells my Austrian-Chinese son he should have a Chinese mother.

11. Celebrating The Arrival of Spring, One Chinese Superstition a Time

We celebrate Chinese New Year in Northeast China, one superstition a time.

10. Buy Me A House: Why I Should have Insisted on a Bride Price (AMWF relationships)

During my years of living in China, one move follows another.

9. A Flake of Fresh Air

When the pollution gets really bad, we wish for snow.

8. Trials and Errors Celebrating Advent with my Chinese family

Turning the clock back at the end of October is the first sign of winter, and thus, Advent season in Austria.

7. Like father, like son: On strong-willed children and choosing adventure over convenience

For my son’s two year health check-up, I take him to a pediatrician in Austria.

6. Raising Multiple Children in an Only Child Society

The guy who would soon become my husband was from Northeast China and an only child at that.

5. One Girl, One Boy – Creating The Perfect Family In China

A physician slowly moves the transducer probe across my belly, trying to discover the sex of my baby.

4. Pregnancy In China – A Time Of Restrictions (AMWF relationships)​

In July 2016, I arrive at a hostel in the oasis town of Turpan in Xinjiang, 28 weeks pregnant.

3. geographic separation: the inevitable side effect of a cross-cultural marriage (AMWF relationships)

Separations are a big part of our married life.

2. Taking a City Child to the Countryside – A Different Kind of Culture Shock

We leave behind chaotic streets, buoyant markets, and the shrill echo of Chinese when we leave on a plane from Beijing to Vienna.

1. Cultural Adjustment: Where do you draw the line?

When I first came to China, I tried to embrace local customs with open arms, naïvely putting myself into one or the other dangerous situation.