
China Elevator Stories

Did the abuse stop?

This is how the story unfolded.


Ruth Silbermayr China Elevator Stories profile picture
Ruth Silbermayr


In the morning, he already started to bully me. He kept going on and on and bullied me the whole day. He joined in another person’s bullying (the sociopath I have been writing about), and they both turned against me together.

Did the abuse stop?

This kind of bullying is the behavior of a coward. An honest, kind person would stand up for the victim and stop her abusers from abusing her.

Dishonest people who have no conscience look for someone they can form a group with, and then they bully the victim together who is already pretty powerless to change her circumstances so she can live a more peaceful life.

This has not been the first time something like this has happened.

Bringing the truth to light can sometimes sound like a smear campaign if the victim has been through horrible stuff that sounds almost too extreme for others to believe that it is the truth. Those victims who experienced really extreme stuff have the hardest time getting help, because people do not believe them.

There are also perpetrators who like to play the victim, and these are different from real victims.

I believe that victims should always be allowed to tell their stories, because this is important. They should not be coerced into not telling their stories because it may make others feel uncomfortable.

Have you ever had people turn against you?

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