
China Elevator Stories

I Am in A Relentless Cyber War

I have been attacked by various hackers who have tried to destroy my life.


Ruth Silbermayr China Elevator Stories profile picture
Ruth Silbermayr


Most of us know cyber warfare as something that occurs between countries or involves attacks on businesses. However, individuals can also become targets, especially when dealing with a powerful hacker.

I asked ChatGPT for the definition of a cyber war, and this is the explanation I received:

“A cyber war refers to conflict that takes place in the digital realm, where nation-states or other entities use cyberattacks and digital strategies to disrupt, damage, or gain an advantage over their adversaries. Unlike traditional warfare, which involves physical combat, cyber war involves the use of computers, networks, and other digital technologies as weapons.”

I have personally been attacked and have seen people I’ve worked with also come under attack. However, most of them experienced these attacks less severely than I did and didn’t even realize they were being targeted.

One of the people who have targeted me are the German singer I used to date, who still pretends we are having a relationship even though we do not, the other one is an extremely mentally ill stalker I have written about in a few posts (whose name I then deleted because he reported me to the police in an attempt to isolate me from help and so he could get further access to me). He tries to destroy my career, finances and future any way he can. This kind of behavior is common with any malignant narcissist.

I Am Dealing With A Relentless Cyber War

One recent incident occurred when I tried to switch my current electricity bill payments to a cheaper annual contract that was being offered. With electricity costs rising exponentially and the added responsibility of paying child support, it was crucial for me to be able to take advantage of this cheaper option.

When I tried to do this online, the hacker had somehow hacked into my energy provider’s system, so I could not update my personal information and change to the cheaper offer. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I decided to go to the energy provider’s service center on a day I had taken off from work, so I could change to the cheaper offer in person.

I Am In A Constant Cyber War

Regarding child support, what this currently means is that I send my children monthly parcels with food and clothes. The Austrian court was unwilling to conduct alimony proceedings, so I chose this method to ensure my children receive basic necessities. I have sent these parcels to the address my ex-husband has provided to the court ever since he has initiated divorce proceedings in 2022. It is not the address he and my children actually live at, but my children have shown me in our video calls that they have received the items I have sent.

My ex-husband also won’t tell me his bank account information, and therefore, sending parcels was the option I chose.

He basically doesn’t tell me anything about our children, and that includes not telling me which size they now have, so whenever I choose clothes for them, I choose whichever size I believe may fit them now, or one size larger, just to make sure they can still wear the clothes I am sending. My son is wearing a T-shirt I sent in the picture below.

I Am Dealing With A Relentless Cyber War

My ex-husband has blocked off all communication again a few months ago, and because my younger son, who will soon be 8 and has had to live without a mother for more than 5 years now, has looked so underweight, I have decided to send my children food they can easily prepare themselves (if needed), such as instant soup or instant porridge, or that doesn’t need any preparation, such as snacks.

I saw in another video that he prepared his own food and thought I would make it as easy as possible for him to feed himself.

I Am Dealing With A Relentless Cyber War

The last time I spoke with my younger son, which has been a month ago, he had a black eye. Since then, I haven’t been able to have any contact with him because my ex-husband hasn’t allowed any.

My ex-husband has threatened to hit our children frequently in the past when we were still living together. While I always made sure he would not get any chance to hit our children when I was around, there’s nothing I can do from afar while my children are experiencing domestic violence now.

I have tried everything humanly possible to get my children back—the custody trial in Austria has gone through three instances, but the courts have declined all my appeals. The only thing the courts have granted me is two weekly video calls with my children.

Have you ever been in a cyber war?

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