
China Elevator Stories

thanks for deleting me

Your behavior is certainly teaching our children healthy and stable relationships (I’m kidding, it’s not).


Ruth Silbermayr
Ruth Silbermayr


My ex-husband has blocked me yet again.

He did so after I asked him to adhere to the court order and to let me have video calls with our children.

blocked on WeChat

The messages on this picture read:

Me: “When can I have a video call?”

The answer I got from WeChat was the following: The message has been sent but has been declined by the recipient.

Me: “We didn’t have a video call on Tuesday, and we also didn’t have a call on Friday.”

The answer I got from WeChat was the same as above.

deleted on WeChat

I have also tried to call a few times, but received the following message from WeChat: “Cannot start a video call because the user has not added you as a friend.”

This has been going on since March this year.

Have you ever had to co-parent with a person who had no intentions of adhering to court orders?