design portfolio

videos & animations

I create short videos & animations with Canva.

Illustration - Ruth Silbermayr


Illustrating requires a blend of artistic talent and technical proficiency.

social media design

I enjoy creating the design for social media posts.

pasta - Ruth Silbermayr

food photography

I got acquainted with food photography in 2013.

Adobe Illustrator

I create logos in Illustrator.

Adobe InDesign

I create layouts with InDesign.

Photoshop-Logo grün
Adobe Photoshop

I edit photos with Photoshop.


I create videos and animations with Canva.

wordpress logo

I design websites with WordPress.

about me

I grew up in a small village located in Austria’s Alpine foothills. It had beautiful mountain views and the sun setting behind the snow capped mountains of the Alps seen in the distance was soothing for the soul. I moved to cities across Austria in my teens and adulthood. My love for the Chinese language would take me to live in Kunming in the southwest, to Shenzhen right across the border from Hong Kong and to Siping, located in the middle of the Songliao Plain in China.

I studied Graphic Design from 2001-2006, and graduated from the University of Vienna with a Bachelor’s degree in Sinology in 2011.

I have worked for an internationally acclaimed architect’s firm, as an illustrator in an advertising agency and as a translator for Chinese, English, and German, among other roles.

Ruth Silbermayr